Tuesday, August 02, 2005
and now a short message from heidi...FULL OF STEAM.

Hi there guys.
Just got back from a long weekend here in BC...BC day. I've called MH to see about if they can get you confirmed on the flight Taipei-L.A. They've sent a message to their head office asking for your 2 seat requests to be confirmed. The new reservation number for MH is JIH*D. I recommend that you keep checking on your waitlist locally with MH. You'll hear about any change in status on that flight first from them. If you have a contact number in KotaKinabalu let them have it and they can call you on it. I hope things get confirmed for you.
Regards,Heidi Huwiler
I've got steam.
something needs to be said.
In Tioman, we've found the ultimate finish.
The trevally barbecue, the huts beside the beach, the bonfires in the late hours, the night swimming, the dead kittens, the sea urchins, the snorkel masks, the applying for art lasses, the mosquito bites, the monkey stare off, the monitor lizard feeding, the coconut smashing, the swiss, the duty free shop, Nazri's shitty singing, finding god amongst the godly.
sunset, sunset.
do it all over again tomorrow.
see you all very soon.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Remember the Time?



TEAM CANADA (is that laos laos?)

These pictures are courtesy of Meg Snell, without whom a Beer Laos olympics would not have been possible. She is an outstanding member of the canadian team, and just an all-round great person to chat with wether your at the greatest place in SE ASIA or not. Thanks Meg!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
ELeVation anxiety
ELevation anxiety indeed!
What highs, what lows.
The bueracrats have got us now.
We can leave but we don't know how.
Malaysia Airlines Welcomes you to...
Kota Kinabalu.
We've been living in the top suite of the 5 star (room by the hour) Malar Kinabalu hotel. What a view. and plenty of fresh towels to go with the fresh company. Knowing the streets of KK as we do now, the 7th floor isn't far enough from begging children, pickpockets, whores, and dadah pushers. So we climbed 4000 metres to the summit of Mt. Kinabalu, the highest peak in all of SE Asia, and we climbed the bugger like clones of Jon Krakauer.
There are muscles that have never been used before now.
There are things I will not share about this place, as I am too embarrased to tell.
All that needs to have been accomplished has been!
Now run away. RUN AWAY.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
Existensial tobacco
With less than three weeks left the Vacation mode is now in full force. There will be no better place to conclude this momentous journey than Sarawak and Sabah.
Today we saw the beautiful 'Man of the forest'...Oranagutang. In fact we saw 7 (including mother and babe)glorious examples of the borneo native feeding on bananas, coconuts, and Papyas (hopefully without any hormones)
In the Sewego red zone, 21 of these red giants ride the treetops only to join us for an afternoon snack. One cannot help but stand in total awe of this jungle safari for martians.
Tomorrow, we leave Cat city to Bakko. Where we will stay overnight amongst the probiscus monkey and hornbill. There is no possibilty of fully explaining the unbelievably odd species that live in this country.
For now the Anglicans have provided us with an amazing dwelling where we swill chinese moonshine, and chat with norwegian interns. God is smiling upon something somewhere, and Allah is just reclining cause heavens on earth.
Nietzche knew it.
The history of ASian pottery shows it.
The head hunter cab driver knows it.
The Anglican Janitor is taking a shower.
and I speak for both of us when I say this place is an addiction.
Monday, July 11, 2005
tom cruise is hilarious.
and this K:L: is damned likable.
1.8 million friendlies.
yessiree the future would be wasted on expectation if we all just moved to KL.
My water weight is 56.4 percent of my body weight. and I know this because of KL.
...Where else will you find Dogs with two penises and six legs.
The monday funnies are actually very funny. No family circus for these cats no...
...Biometric locking devices on vehicles. Aww yeah!
...Kentucky fried chicken is a skyscraper...no really.
I will go on. but for now excuse me.
I am going to go drink a 5 dollar can of beer and nosh on some roti.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
In th future you will not know who Jimi Hendrix is.
It is confirmed...This does not bode well for these weary travellers.
Perhaps an update with a little less sweat. at least a little less cussin'
We managed to escape the oldest rainforest in the world this morning on a beautiful Jungle boat ride, part of which put this little camper into a hypnotic trance.
between the whirr of the engine, the blazing sunshine, the flowing river, and the call of jungle bearcats in the distance I could barely keep my lids from hanging way low.
We stopped in Jerantut with Christina from Maryland and had Pizza at Pizza Ria.
Here the serve chicken sausage instead of Ham, cuz pig is a filthy animal.
It's a bit like living in Canada...but in the future like.
imagine if you will, China taking over the planet. Due to the sun's rays everyone covers their heads, especially the women whom we wish to live longer. Everything is owned by a corporation.
On friday afternoons, we do not work, we pray facing east.
and Pig is still a filthy animal.
seems quaint. I could go on but c'mon I'm not trying to get all Juri Gellar on yall, you allready knew the future was going to be wicked!
Speaking of corporation owning everything, The worlds oldest rainforest is owned by a resort. You actually have to walk pat the check - in desk to enter the park. There is only one company that holds the means of your entry and exit from Jerantut (2 hours away.) The whole thing is very scary.
But enough of that, what about KL.
only pictures can tell you friends.
only pictures of Jimi Hendrix, and blank looks,
and the future...