Tuesday, August 02, 2005
and now a short message from heidi...FULL OF STEAM.

Hi there guys.
Just got back from a long weekend here in BC...BC day. I've called MH to see about if they can get you confirmed on the flight Taipei-L.A. They've sent a message to their head office asking for your 2 seat requests to be confirmed. The new reservation number for MH is JIH*D. I recommend that you keep checking on your waitlist locally with MH. You'll hear about any change in status on that flight first from them. If you have a contact number in KotaKinabalu let them have it and they can call you on it. I hope things get confirmed for you.
Regards,Heidi Huwiler
I've got steam.
something needs to be said.
In Tioman, we've found the ultimate finish.
The trevally barbecue, the huts beside the beach, the bonfires in the late hours, the night swimming, the dead kittens, the sea urchins, the snorkel masks, the applying for art lasses, the mosquito bites, the monkey stare off, the monitor lizard feeding, the coconut smashing, the swiss, the duty free shop, Nazri's shitty singing, finding god amongst the godly.
sunset, sunset.
do it all over again tomorrow.
see you all very soon.