Friday, July 15, 2005
Existensial tobacco
With less than three weeks left the Vacation mode is now in full force. There will be no better place to conclude this momentous journey than Sarawak and Sabah.
Today we saw the beautiful 'Man of the forest'...Oranagutang. In fact we saw 7 (including mother and babe)glorious examples of the borneo native feeding on bananas, coconuts, and Papyas (hopefully without any hormones)
In the Sewego red zone, 21 of these red giants ride the treetops only to join us for an afternoon snack. One cannot help but stand in total awe of this jungle safari for martians.
Tomorrow, we leave Cat city to Bakko. Where we will stay overnight amongst the probiscus monkey and hornbill. There is no possibilty of fully explaining the unbelievably odd species that live in this country.
For now the Anglicans have provided us with an amazing dwelling where we swill chinese moonshine, and chat with norwegian interns. God is smiling upon something somewhere, and Allah is just reclining cause heavens on earth.
Nietzche knew it.
The history of ASian pottery shows it.
The head hunter cab driver knows it.
The Anglican Janitor is taking a shower.
and I speak for both of us when I say this place is an addiction.