Wednesday, May 11, 2005
An ode to a tooth...and six beautiful strings...No not floss.
Let me just quickly tell you how awesome my new Italian sandals are...and Sihanoukville, well Brant put you all in tune for that. I'll tell you the truth though, about 5 minutes ago I looked inside the abyss that remains where his 1/2 tooth once roold the roost. And that pretty Cambodian nurse left him with a 25th the smile that once set on these shores.
Yes surely these are times to slow the pace and take in some Hunter S. Thompson for a little guide book for the weeks to come. His sentiments could not compile my feelings more, as I argue with a 10 year old child for 2 hours over the price of fruit fruit fruit.
Goodbye to Grahame as well, great man that he is. Will we ever have a frog shack with which to stretch our brains upon like leather in the old west. Did they even do that?

Krazy as it sounds we'll be leaving all this in a short while
Oh, yes it's been nice, but truth be told my utterances have regressed to grunts
To Ho Chi Minh where we can make sense of the world again. Yes. History, Work
Every man and woman is only a pupil to the environment he/she keeps.
Reclining in a Hammock on the waterfront does not an intellegent human make
Only the strong will survive, and by this I mean in the heart of darkness
Let's all take a moment to consider the very real possibilty that this is a new day.

But not more than 5 days in a row.
may I also introduce to you an addition to our two person PARTY. Yes, today after we wrenched part of Brants face off, we treated ouirselves to a beautiful new Acoustic Guitar. For a measly 22 dollars we are now like Nelson, or Extreme, on our 2005 Cambodia tour. Hell they even threw in a travel bag. some strings and gigantic japanese picks. Now lets hope I can remember that Ewan McGregor ditty for all these fat Dutch travellers to consume.

We love you all, and we sing songs about the good times only.
Sorry no Swear words, we just go oooooooon!
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