Monday, May 16, 2005

Hail Ho Chi Minh. You da man.
Today it was a 1/2 day at Cu Chi tunnels, chillin' with Kahn (a southerner :-( ) who informed us on how to defend ourselves from total annihilation by the Red, White and Blue. Sure it seems all a bit subjective, but it's a subjective world...and a one-sided war at that. It just goes to show that when Canada is the last bastion of oil in the world we can always dig...DIG DEEP AND SMILE COMRADES!
It's been humorous ebb and flow of our tourist undertaking thus far in Vietnam. Point and fact, the War Remnants Museum that we visited yesterday was once named something along the lines of "The American attrocities Museum" but due to the influx of tourism here by said Superpower Titles are taking a more liberal view of the whole matter. The joke quickly stops there...I only need to see one two-headed fetus in a fermeldahide bottle.
Check another vulgar tourist sight off the list.
I was 6 feet under ground today and crawled 90 feet through a hole maybe 20,000 people onced scurried though to defend their land. Big fun, and Big Hot. Brant spent a third of that looking at my ass...Brants funny, I got a picture to prove it.
I guess the crappy part (besides like all the War and stuff becky) is that the Beer here su---ux. And everything is E--expensive. So we leave tonight for Mui Ne, That's right MORE BEACH, Byotch.
Perhaps we'll re-nact our entire jouney for you with plastic army men and an Ant Farm when we return...

Hmmm I smell lucious Art.