Tuesday, March 15, 2005
We have been in a plane for 20 hours or so, only to find no baggage in bagkok.
Only a very freindly Thai man who promises us closure on the issue by tomorrow at this time...we're anticipating he is correct.
All is well though, this place is VERY DIFFERENT. If it weren't for our clouded minds we would have easily lost them.
No ammount of reading or prep could make you feel anything but out of your skin.
a few observations thus far...
We have seen alot of cats without tails.
Sometimes the strange man watching you try to figure out a pay phone really just wants to help and lend you his cell phone.
Sometimes the taxi driver really does get lost.
we must go now and find some clothes at the night market.
i wonder where all the cat tails are? maybe growing from reeds in canada's swamps? on a barbecue skewer?
Hmmm . . . I thought you guys were going to try to eat dog - cats? Not cool.
The Canadian Embassy in Bangkok
tel. 02-636-0540
15th Floor, Abdulrahim Building, 990 Thanon Rama IV, Bangkok

Canada Direct is a phone number that puts you in direct contact with a Canadian operator, while overseas, enabling you to make collect calls and use your calling card. While in Thailand, you can access Canada Direct by dialing: 001-999-15-1000.
I just wanna know how ged and brant look in mock-hippie, or faux-trendy brand name clothing. Thats a pretty sight Im sure!! Sucks to lose your bags, but Im sure you look great in your trendy styles!!! You look like all the other 20 yr old "vacation-hippies" down there noW!!!! YEEEEE _HAW. Bring it down a notch!!, Your so special. Mind your manners Bitch, I got me some birkebnstocks!!! YeeeeeaHAW!

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